Sunday, January 3, 2016

Crayon Roll- Photo Tutorial

Crayon Roll- Photo Tutorial

Paddington Crayon Roll, Star Wars Crayon Roll, Frozen Crayon Roll

Craft time 20 min
Holds 6 crayons

Material needed:
Outer fabric (1) 7" Height x 8" Width. 
Inner fabric (1) 7"H x 8"W
Elastic hair tie

*optional sheet of felt 7 x 8, for interfacing. (makes crayon roll more firm.)
Pin fabric with right sides together. (wrong side of fabric on outside).

 When pining fabric together, pin with outer fabric on top.

Leave small gap at the bottom, so fabric can be turned inside out, at a later time.

With inner fabric facing up, on left side, use pins to make 1/2 small gap (to insert hair tie) 2.5" from the top. 
 Reason for making hair tie gap on opposite side, is so there will be no confusion on pins holding fabric and the ones making gap.

Sew fabric using sewing foot as guide (As shown on picture). Make sure not to sew close hair tie gap and bottom opening.

 Insert hair tie to hair tie gap, sew close. (clip excess fabric on corners)

 Turn fabric inside out and iron. When ironing fold fabric inward on bottom opening to create a small lip, making it easier to sew close. 

*optional: Insert felt sheet. remove felt sheet and trim to size. No exact measurement given for trim because it depending on seam allowance used on fabric. 

 Sew bottom opening, close. Using foot line for seam allowance, as shown on picture. 

 How crayon roll should look, to this point... almost done.

Place fabric with inner fabric facing up.
From the bottom of fabric, fold up to create a pocket. From the top of roll to the pocket line their should be 2". Pin fabric in place.

 Sew along edge of pocket, using previous sewing line as guide. Iron fabric.

 Use pins to make sewing guides every 1", to create crayon pockets.
 Starting from the bottom of roll, sew up using pins as guides.

 Insert crayons. Finished!!